
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I don't care who you are – you probably have a central driving passion that you have wanted to pursue for your whole life. Even people who are unaware of it usually have one. Perhaps you still secretly want to be a policeman on a fireman. Perhaps you want to be a writer or an artist. Perhaps you want to have command and control over an army or a country.
Whatever your goal, the chances are that you have been thwarted in your attempts to pursue it. Fortunately, even if you're not totally successful, there is a way to pursue your dreams: an education degree.No matter what your passion, being a teacher will probably allow you to indulge in it. Education degrees qualify you for teaching anything. If you want to write, you can teach English and writing.
If you want to be a fireman, an education degree can allow you to give community workshops in fire safety. If you want to command and control, why not get education degrees and teach political science or civics? Although degrees in education may not be as good as the real thing, they are certainly better than completely forgetting about your dreams. Sometimes, compromise is the best you can do.
I got my education bachelors degree online. At first, my teacher friends were a little bit skeptical. They had all gotten their education degrees for major universities, you see. They had no faith in my assertion that education degrees online would help me out in finding a job. They told me that no school would hire me. Need this to say, they were wrong. Although an online education degree might make things a little bit harder for you, the benefits outweigh the costs. It is much easier and quicker to get than any other kind of educational degree, and many states will still license you as a teacher.If I have convinced you so far to pursue education degrees, now I have to advise a little bit of caution.
In most areas, more education means more job opportunities. With education degrees, however, this is not the case. Getting education masters degrees is almost always a mistake. You see, with an education masters degree, no school will hire you if you don't have teaching experience. Advanced education degrees mean that they have to pay you more. They will be unwilling to do this if you haven't had a lot of classroom work. Stick with bachelors of education degrees and everything will be fine.
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